21 Online Business for Students That Earns

There exists a multitude of avenues for students in Nigeria to earn income, and one such opportunity is guiding new students through the registration process and offering this service at a fee.

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The registration procedure can pose challenges for some students, and you can provide valuable assistance while charging a nominal fee for your services.

This venture proves particularly lucrative for students who possess internet access.

The benefits become apparent when there is an influx of prospective or new students on campus, as the virtual assistant can offer remote assistance effectively.

4. Sell Data and Airtime

Numerous avenues exist for students to generate income on the internet, with one option being the sale of data and airtime.

To embark on this venture, a student should possess an active phone line and a certain amount of data.

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The student can then distribute airtime and data to individuals in need.

This straightforward method provides an accessible means of earning money, requiring nothing more than an internet-enabled device.

5. Become an Egg Supplier

Students in Nigeria are renowned for their affinity for eggs, with an estimated average daily consumption rate.

Given this demand, ventures like egg supply businesses offer an excellent opportunity to initiate a business endeavor. Such businesses entail minimal capital requirements and boast a readily available consumer base upon production.

The affordability of entry into this business makes it accessible for solo entrepreneurs or collaborative efforts within groups to cater to the demand from peers and customers.

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It’s worth emphasizing that patrons are likely to support your venture since they recognize your objective to generate income.

Furthermore, should your poultry business thrive, expansion into this sector is always a viable option!

6. Sell Clothes

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